well, we've got a new one. kap: kite aerial photography. fly a large kite and use it to hoist a camera up in the air. seems pretty simple. i built a diamond kite over thanksgiving at my granparents house. two aldi's bags and two dowel rods and a bunch of masking tape. and guess what: it flew splendidly. so i got home made some time and started on making a 6' rokkako, but my wooden spars didn't bend at all evenly so i don't have high hopes for it yet. i might be able to tension each half of the bow individually to make it symetrical. I also wasn't really happy with how the sail turned out, but since its just made out of cheap painters drop cloth plastic, i can make another. and for the camera i bought a 15 dollar on clearence, 1.3mp spongebob squarepants digital camera made by emerson radio corp. it seems that as far as the web is concerned, this camera model doesn't exist. the camera works fine, its a bit bulky and the enclosure, and in particular: the battery compartment, was designed by idiots. there's a 3 step process to get the batterie's out and then their still in a little tray. but most importantly, the camera is lightweight and inexpensive to loose in a tree or impacting the ground or in some water etc...
Kites rule. You could totally spy on your neighbors or see what condition your roof is in without getting out the lddder. Or even take cool pictures. The possibilities are endless.
By Anonymous, at 6:11 PM
Boy am I glad your off the sailboat obsession. Kites are a lot cheaper
By robin, at 11:41 AM
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